Is Your Bad Breath Hiding Something?

Your bad breathe could be hiding something more sinister. A major sign of gum disease is chronic halitosis, but it’s not just gum disease you need to worry about if people if people are running the other way when you open your mouth. The Hidden Truth about Bad Breathe For eight out of ten people […]

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What Causes Dry Mouth?

Dry Mouth is a condition that affects people all over the world, but what is the cause and what can be done to prevent it? According to WebMD, there are several reasons you may be suffering from Dry Mouth. Medications Your dentist explains that a number of things including prescription and over the counter medications causes […]

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Chronic Bad Breath is Scary

If friends, family and even complete strangers are running the other way when you talk, it could have something to do with your breath. Unfortunately, you cannot smell your own breath, but if you could, you would either buy stock in a mouth rise company or schedule an appointment with your dentist. According to Colgate […]

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