If you are considering cosmetic dentistry, it’s important to research every procedure before you book an appointment with a cosmetic dentist in Chicago. However, it’s not just the procedures you need to research.
An Experienced Cosmetic Dentist is Imperative
Having an experienced cosmetic dentist in Glenview is crucial. Unfortunately, all too often patients push a well-loved general dentist into placing porcelain veneers when they don’t specialize in the area. If you have ever seen someone with teeth that look like Chiclets, they probably weren’t in the hands of a trained cosmetic dentist.
Dr. Jeffrey Gilmor and Dr. Verena Phillips have the experience and knowledge to place porcelain veneers. Best of all, if you have existing tooth restorations, cosmetic dental crowns or are still lucky enough to have your natural teeth, your new veneers are matched to perfection.
Why Experience Matters
Just like every profession, experience matters. You wouldn’t want a plastic surgeon fresh out of med school, so why would you allow a dentist who hasn’t had CE to place your porcelain veneers?
The Glen Dental Center in Glenview is where you will find experienced cosmetic dentists who have the knowledge to do what’s right for you and your smile. Unlike some cosmetic dentists in Chicago who push for the sale with no regard to the overall result, Dr. Phillips and Dr. Gilmor recommend the best procedures for a healthy and beautiful smile.
While most people think it’s easy to place a veneer, that is far from the contrary. Veneer placement takes skill. Because veneers are thin, delicate and made from dental porcelain, they can break, even before they are permanently cemented.
Don’t Settle for Less than with a Cosmetic Dentist
While a general dentist can fill teeth and place inlays and onlays, not all are well versed in the art of porcelain veneer placement, and yes, it is an art. Both Dr. Gilmor and Dr. Phillips will never settle for less.
Call and schedule a no obligation cosmetic dentistry consultation with Glen Dental today.