Can missing teeth be effectively replaced to bring back your natural smile via dental implant? Losing a tooth due to injury or illness can lead to issues like quick bone loss, speech difficulties, and discomfort while chewing. 

This can significantly affect a person’s overall health and quality of life. Therefore, replacing a lost tooth with a dental implant becomes crucial in addressing these concerns.

Dental implant systems, comprising a dental implant body, dental implant abutment, and potentially an abutment fixation screw, offer a comprehensive solution. The dental implant body is surgically inserted into the jawbone to replace the tooth’s root. 

This article will discuss the fundamentals of dental implants, exploring types, associated risks, and costs. Let’s get started.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are specialized structures designed to replace missing teeth. These implants, resembling screw-like devices, are surgically inserted into the jawbone. Acting as sturdy anchors, they support artificial teeth known as crowns. 

An abutment attaches the artificial tooth to the dental implant, providing a customized fit that matches the individual’s mouth and tooth color. Crowns look and feel natural and function similarly to natural teeth.

Two primary kinds of dental implants

 are frequently utilized.

  • Endosteal
  •  and Subperiosteal.

Endosteal implants, the more common type, are embedded in the jawbone and can support one or more artificial teeth. 

Individuals with minimal jawbone height opt for subperiosteal implants placed on the jawbone.

Advantages Over Dentures:

Compared to removable dentures, dental implants offer several advantages, including:

  • Natural and Comfortable Feel: Dental implants provide a more natural and comfortable experience than removable dentures.
  • Higher Success Rates: Implants have a higher success rate, offering a reliable and long-lasting solution for tooth replacement.
  • Improved Chewing Function: With dental implants, chewing function is significantly enhanced, allowing for a more natural and efficient bite.
  • Lower Risk of Cavities: these contribute to a lower risk of cavities developing in nearby teeth, promoting oral health.
  • Better Maintenance of Bone Health: Unlike dentures, implants help maintain the jawbone’s health, preventing deterioration over time.
  • Decreased Sensitivity in Adjacent Teeth: Implants decrease sensitivity in nearby teeth, improving oral comfort.
  • No Nightly Removal and Cleaning: these eliminate the need for nightly removal and cleaning, offering a convenient and hassle-free solution for tooth replacement.

Procedures and Maintenance:

  • Begin with an initial consultation to assess oral health and plan the implant surgery.
  • Please create a personalized treatment plan that considers factors such as the placement of the implant and the patient’s overall health.
  • Surgically insert the implant into the jawbone to replace the natural tooth root.
  • Attach an abutment to the implant and secure a custom-made crown for a natural look and feel.
  • Consider sinus augmentation for upper jaw implants or ridge modification for bone abnormalities.
  • Provide instructions for oral care, including brushing and flossing, and schedule follow-up visits to monitor implant health.

Following surgery, regular oral care, professional cleanings every 6 months, and monitoring of implants by the dentist are crucial for maintaining dental health.

Safety and Risks:

Dental implant surgery, performed by qualified professionals, is considered safe and maintains jawbone health. However, certain conditions, such as acute illness, uncontrollable metabolic diseases, or bone and soft tissue infections, may make individuals ineligible for the procedure. 

Additionally, factors such as heavy smoking, parafunctional habits, HIV, diabetes, osteoporosis, and ongoing treatments such as bisphosphonate drug therapy, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy may increase the risk of implant failure.

Potential Complications:

Complications during or after implant surgery may include nerve damage, incision opening, implant movement, exposure above the gum line, and infection. Moreover, doctors can find unsuccessful implant placement  through signs such as excessive mobility, secretions, pain, or rapid bone loss.

Cost Considerations:

Dental implant surgery costs vary based on the number and types of implants, their location, and the need for additional procedures. Dental insurance coverage and long-term benefits should be in mind, as other tooth replacement options may be less expensive initially but could incur higher maintenance costs. Please contact us immediately to arrange an appointment for a precise cost estimate


Dental implants offer a successful and long-term solution for replacing missing teeth. Individuals considering implant surgery should consult their dentist to assess suitability based on individual circumstances.

Experience a lifetime of exceptional dental care at Chicago’s Glen Dental Center. Dr. Jeffrey Gilmor, Dr. Verena Phillips, and our dedicated team are committed to addressing your dental needs and goals with compassion and expertise. 

Benefit from the latest dental technologies, ensuring a comfortable treatment experience. Led by Dr. Gilmor, we invite you to choose our practice as your enduring dental home. Your lifelong dental health begins here.