If your smile isn’t what it used to be, you may want to consider a heart to heart with your dentist. You may have had the smile that others dreamt about having, but time can sometimes change things. If you had an accident, practiced poor oral hygiene, took certain medications, had diabetes, heart disease, liver or kidney disease or suffered from ongoing periodontal disease or tooth decay your smile, and the rest of your body, could be paying the price.
Research indicates that there is a mouth and body connection. Your teeth and gums are the gateway to the rest of the organs in your body. Scientists believe that bacteria and plaque travel from your diseased gums through your blood vessels. Over time, plaque will collect in your arteries, which could lead to blood clots, heart disease, sudden heart attack, or stroke.
Just like the rest of your body, your teeth and gums age with you. If you weren’t too concerned about your oral health habits when you were younger, you will find that neglecting brushing and flossing could end up costing you. Just like your skin, what you did when you were younger, as far as your oral hygiene goes, could affect your overall health when you get older. However, your dentist explains that gum disease and tooth decay can be nipped in the bud thanks to modern dental treatments and procedures.
You really can have your old smile back thanks to cosmetic dentistry, and if your dentist determines that you are well suited for cosmetic dentistry, the two of you will discuss available options. Every patient is different and may only require one or two cosmetic dentistry procedures while another might schedule an entire mouth reconstruction. Some procedures that your dentist may recommend include dental implants, porcelain veneers, cosmetic bonding, or Invisalign.
You don’t have to be ashamed of your smile. Call or click and schedule a no obligation consultation with your dentist who can help you regain your confidence with a beautiful new mouth makeover. Call or click today.