Zoom® Professional Tooth Whitening could be just what you need if your tan is overshadowing your smile. Dr. Jeffrey Gilmor from the Glen Dental Center in Glenview can give you a smile to rival your glow.
What Causes Teeth Staining?
According to the Glen Dental Center, tobacco, red wine, tea, coffee, berries, and even dark sauces such as spaghetti and curry can stain your teeth. Even age can make your teeth appear stained over time. Tetracycline and too much fluoride can also cause teeth staining.
What is Zoom® Professional Tooth Whitening?
Zoom® is a chairside procedure that takes place in your Chicago cosmetic dentist office. After an examination to determine if you are a good candidate for the Zoom® Professional Tooth Whitening system, Dr. Gilmor will apply a special gel to the fronts of your teeth. Once applied, your Chicago cosmetic dentist will use a light or laser to help the enamel on your teeth absorb the prescription gel.
In most cases, teeth can be whitened up to 10 shades. You can walk in with a dull smile and walk out with a smile that is ready for your next selfie.
Does Zoom® Professional Tooth Whitening work for Everyone?
Unfortunately Zoom® Professional Tooth Whitening won’t work for all patients. People who have porcelain veneers, dental implants, dentures, inlays, onlays, tooth colored fillings, dental crowns or other types of dental restorations will not benefit from Zoom® Professional Tooth Whitening.
If you have old or stained dental restorations, ask Dr. Gilmor about other cosmetic dental procedures, such as dental bonding or porcelain veneers. With the exception of dental implants, most restorations will not last forever.
Having a beautiful smile starts with Zoom® Professional Tooth Whitening. Call or click and schedule a no obligation Zoom® Professional Tooth Whitening consultation with Dr. Jeffrey Gilmor from the Glen Dental Center in Glenview Ill today.